Thursday, November 4, 2010

Finally after the driest October I can remember, we've had a nice rain. Here's a shot of the garden. The lettuce is looking great. The spinach is a no show. It's not grown any more after the initial sprout. Too hot I think.
We've gotten the fence clear and the new gate installed.
You can see the tomatoes are very leggy, not enough light, they are being shaded by the fence. but look below, the first teeny-tiny tomatoes!

And of course the plants that were bought by accident, are doing great. I thought I was picking up Cabbage, but when I got home -- Collards. I'm not to crazy about eating Collards, but aren't they beautiful? Patrick loves Collards, so I'll be cooking them up. He can take some up to Viola, I know she'll appreciate them too.

Today I won the Employee of the Month. I got a $25 gift card to Panara. Too bad I can't eat any of those great pastries! I'm down 26 lbs from doing the low carb diabetes diet. No medication, and I feel so much better.
For the Spring we are going to make another raised bed a few feet north of this one, it's still in the side yard but sunnier.

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